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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fantastic football

On Tuesday after school some kids from different classes played soccer. We were versing Stoke school and we played at Saxton feild. My dad (Andy) was the coach of our team. Mr Searle came to watch us and took some photos. We won the game 8-2. They only had two boys in there team. In our team I was the only girl!!!!!!! We all got a go at playing different positions. They didn't have any subs but we had two. We have won or tied our games but we have never lost!!!!!!!!

By Charlotte and Kate

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Awesome active corner

This year the year 7 and 8 made up active corners for everyone to join in and have heaps of fun. After some active corners the year 7 and 8 made up the active box where you can go to their classes and get stuff like foam rugby balls and heaps of stuff.
Well done seniors
By Ajay and Wouter

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Museum trip and challenges of sailing to NZ

This is Fraser siting on the old fashioned potty on the ship at the museum. It was hard for them because if they needed the potty at night and it was full, they had to go outside and throw it over the side. That was a good lesson in being careful where the wind is coming from!
The whole family had to sleep in one bunk about the size of our beds at home. That must have been smelly and noisy.
 By Fraser and Wouter.

Dylans Anzac learning By Wouter

Dylan has been learning about Anzac biscuits and even cooked them with Mrs Dorman. Since world war one Anzac day has been commemorated.
 Anzac day is still happing.By Wouter 

Dylans Anzac learning

Dylan was learning about ANZAC day in his reading with Mrs Dorman and decided to share that with us.
 He then made a crossword from the website www.puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com
 You can try the recipe or the puzzle website if you like.
Well done Dylan, it was fun!

Learning to read a sea-chart

On the 22 of March our class went to the Nelson Museum. The exhibit was a sailing ship back in 1882. It was the people going from England to New Zealand. 
A big thank you to all of the parent helpers. They were a great help to our class and if we didn't have them, we wouldn't be able to go! The parents dressed up as well as us in the sort of clothes that the people on the ship would of worn. They showed us a bit of the boat each. They did a fantastic job.Well done and thank you!!!!!!                                                  
 By Charlotte

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Your candidates for student council.

RESULTS LATEST!! 21st March 2011
Kate McCashin had the most number of votes and is therefore our class Student Council Representative for 2011.
Congratulations Kate, I am sure you will work hard to ensure your classes ideas are heard at counsil meetings. Well done to all other candidates for your great work on the topic. I am very plesed that you had the confidence in your abilities and the motivation to seek a demanding job in ourt school. Make sure you try again next year and keep on volunteering for those responsible roles. Mr Searle Late Announcement

Here are the keen candidates who would like you to vote for them.
From left Tegan, Reuben, Harrison, Megan, Kate, Charlotte, Anya, Alisha, Zara and Lydia.
The speeches sounded great.
Many of the ideas sounded good and some sounded great but may be less easy to achieve.
Keep that in mind as you are deciding who to vote for. Try not to vote based on whether the candidate is a friend of yours or a boy or a girl. Think about who you think would do the best job for the class for this year.

Have you listened to our VOKI avatar yet?



To Vote you need to post a comment with Their name, Your name and two reasons why.
You may only vote once and it cannot be changed, so decide carefully. 

WELL DONE to all candidates, especially as you did these presentations with only 30 minutes to write/present and type, which shows you all to be motivates and capable. Mr Searle

Kotuku Student Council Rep Candidates are as follows:
Hi my name is Anya and I would like to be a student councilor because I enjoy organizing lunch time games and if I was a student councilor I wouldn’t muck around or say stupid ideas and I would say things that would help or make things better.I wouldn’t mind if we had to stay in at lunch.so I hope that you vote for me! 
Hello everyone, I’m Charlotte and I should be the student council for Kotuku class because...
I will be on time to all of the meetings
I’m very organised.
I’ve got some great ideas like having another games day or disco and lot’s more.
I will remember the things we say at the meetings so when I tell the class I will not forget.
I will be on with the job and will not muck around.
And last but not lest I will be brave and not shy.
So thats my speech I hoped you enjoyed it!
VOTE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
-I think I would be a good student counciler
- I will be on to it and won’t muck around.
- I wan’t to organise more days like “wheels   day.”
  • I WON’T be afraid to speek up and say what is needed to say.
- I have a lot of ideas to make the school a much better place.
- I wan’t to introduce some new games to the school.
-I will listen to what you 
say and pass it on to the student council.
  • I will  be confident to talk to the class about the things we have just talked about in the student council.
From all these reasons above I hope you vote for me as your student counciler
Lydia’s speech!!
Hello my name is Lydia I think I should be on the student council because i have great ideas.I am confident and not afraid to share my ideas with everyone.I have a mega brain that can think up lots of thoughts and i would really really like to put that to use representing our class.I think you should vote for me and here are some reasons why! I have got skills that I can share with everyone like being orginisied coming up with good ideas but most of all just being ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
   VOTE 4 TEGAN! $$
I think you should vote 4 me because I have great Ideas to make a awesome saint Paul’s. I have four ideas that you awesome peoples with agree on. A: More mufti days at least 10 a year. B: A pizza day ( my daddy makes great pizzas with our NEW pizza oven)
C: CANTEEN!     and D: Sports day for the staff! Bye bye hope you vote 4 me! By Tegan.
Hi I am Zara 
And I would like to be the student council because my Ideas like sports day, Movie day, and a big day of girl verse boys fun day like ripper rugby netball soccer and lots more like more mufti days to fundraise.  I would really like to represent my class I would  like to get your ideas and give them to the student council

vOTE fOR mE!!!
Here are a few reasons why I would like to be the kotuku class Rep for 2011...
First of all I think it would be fun to organize things like wheels day and lunchtime games.I have some good games we could play.I will be very onto it and not muck around.
Secondly,I’d be confident enough to speak to the students about everything that we have just planned and spoken about.Also I would be good at organizing it and always be ready when I am needed.
By Alisha
Hi  Im Kate
and I think I should be the student council to represent our class because I am orginised and confident to speak in front of people and share my great ideas on how to make this school a better one.i have got some great ideas like have some swings in the playground but have a fence and some rubber mats for safety or organise some fundrasers for Christchurch like selling chocolate and things to sell around the streets of the houses of the caring kids in our school.I hope you vote for me,bye.
I think I should be the student council because...
I think I make a good leader.
I think I could organize fun games.
and I can make good ideas 
I should be student council cause I will listen to eveyone when they speak.
I  do like to play fun games with other people.
I could organize some themes.
I could organize wheels days.
I am glad to be the student concill because I would like to be it.
I will be a good rep because I would maybe make a canteen or a field trip maybe a playgroud I will be ready when they are .
I hope people vote for me and have a great day where ever you are .
and mybe put in a amusement park.
I should be the student council Rep 
I’m good at organising fun games or any thing like that 
I will also listen to your ideas and pass them on 
Also I won’t spoile games for the school 
by mucking around
Also I have some good ideas in my head like having Fun Days with egg races and rugby,soccer and netball 
also maybe if were lucky having a bouncy castle or a tuck shop on Mondays

Vote for your candidate before Friday morning.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Painting The Bookshelf

Here is Ajay,Griffin,Tyler and Jamie they are hard working boys they are using sand paper to scrape of the bits of black paint then they used creme paint to paint the whole bookshelf. Now it looks really good and there are heaps of books on there now and it's very helpful in are class
By Harrison & Wouter

Wacky Wheels Day

Last Friday the seniors organized Wheels day for us to bring in our wheeled toys.
It was quite crowded on the court and they made us go in one direction in order to reduce injuries and crashes.
I can see why bikes would have been a problem.
Thanks to the seniors for their taking their lunch time to do this for us.
Ajay, Jamie and Victoria.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Our awesome boys relay team at Inter-school Swimming

This is Wouter who did a great job in swimming.
He got third in his heat and helped the relay team out.
The fourth member of the relay was sick and luckily Wouter was brave enough to join in, so the team could take part.
Well done boys.
We had other good results too which we will share on the next posting.
Image chosen by Lydia

Awesome place mats!!!!!

This is Tyler's placemat.
In Kotuku class we are making placemats for our desks.
Mine will be finished in a week.
You should come and see them they are awesome.
They are two sided with goals and stuff like that on one side and our free choice on the other. 
By Anya and Zac : ]

Tennis time

This is Zara with the newly painted tennis poles. We have spray painted them because while we were playing tennis we had a injury,Tegan tripped over one of the poles and sprained her ankle.Also last week Wouter,Marcus,Fraser and Zara all had an injury. But now the poles will stand out a lot better.
We have all enjoyed learning tennis we hope no one else gets another injury.
We have been innovative in trying to solve this problem. 

From Kate & Zara =]

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mr Searle's dog, Mister

This is Mr Searle's dog Mister. He came to school
in the holidays to see mr Searle. Does he look like a
good guard dog?
Mr Searle said"he is as fierce as a fluffy marshmallow but has a good bark."
By Megan

Terrific Tennis Tuition

This is NOT us playing tennis. It is our talented teachers having a lesson, so they know what to teach us.
They learned some fun games to play with us once we have improved our skills.
We learned how to bounce the ball on the tennis racquet and hit it to and from each other.
Alex thought Tennis was, 'really cool.'
I'm looking forward to next week when The seniors are going to loan out the tennis gear at lunchtime and break.
By Megan

Friday, March 4, 2011

Our visiting Student Teacher Miss Garnett

Hello Kotuku class,I'm Marcus and I am here to talk about Miss Garnett and a new student in our school. First I will talk about a new student called Liam in Kereru class and he is a really good playing with beyblades. Beyblades are toys that are really cool and I like those toys and I this is how it works . you put a string in a thing called a ripper  and then you stick a beyblade under the riper and you pull the string and then the beyblade will fall of and spin on the ground. That will be enough for Liam lets talk about Miss Garnett. Miss Garnett was going to Christchurch to teach there but she came to Nelson because of the earthquake. She  came and taught at Saint Paul's only for a week and Kotuku class will miss you.
Good bye Miss Garnett.  By Marcus

Purple cake day.

On Tuesday it was purple cake day and everyone needs to wear purple.This is a photo of our class and our whole school had a parade in the morning.The person that had the best costume in our class was Tegan Nott.It was the best purple cake day that I have ever been to.By Marcus

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Basket ball practice

This is me trying to dribble with two balls.
Mike Fitchett from the Nelson GIANTS came to teach us some skills. My favourite drill was shooting.
Our homework this week is to practice and show our parents these tricks;
Eggbeater, Figure 8, Long drop and the terrible nut-cracker.
Jamie was very good at passing and shooting into the air. By Marcus and Tyler