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Monday, September 12, 2011

Book Fair!

This week as you probably know it is book week. We have some awesome books for sale. All the classes have gone in to look around at the books and are hopefully making a wish list . We all hope we will sell alot of books. You will also get a free book mark if you buy a book. The school gets some free books depending on how many we buy.

By Kate and Zara


  1. Remember to show your parents your 'wish- list choices. Maybe you have some pocket money you could use to get one of them.
    I wonder how many of our class choices we will be able to buy with our commission spend?
    Mr Searle

  2. Well done Zara and Kate.

    I am pleased you are getting these blog postings done quickly as it makes them more news-worthy and relevant to your recent learning.

    We are going to ask our buddy classes if they need help in making regular postings on their blogs, so your ICT skills will be in hot demand.
    Mr Searle

  3. cool i love it
    um could kotuku tell me how to get voki's and stuff like that

  4. I can't wait until i get to look at all the books.

    Joey whio class

  5. I hope that you enjoy the selection of books that we have received for the Book Fair this year. You might like to spend your pocket money or persuade your parents to buy a book for our school library. There will be a special note in the front of the book to say that you have donated it and you would be the first person to borrow the new book.

  6. Great books in there. It looks like you Kotuku Kids love reading!

    Julia from Whio Class

  7. Cool can`t wait to buy some books

  8. There are some really cool books in the book fair!


  9. The book fair was good but I didnt buy any books.

    100 present Maximus


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