Here is the weather forecast.
Click here to see the latest weather prediction for Winter Sports day.
We are forecast for showers during winter tournament.
We are erecting the school gazebo as a shelter for the forecast showers.
Bring a raincoat to school kids so you can stay warm and ready for your games.
I have found a hat ands small towel handy at tournaments as well.
See you tomorrow.
Mr Searle
PS If any parents, Aunties or Uncles could help referee a football game then please let me know..
Hi class don't you think the blog looks great? Well guess why? because we post lots of comments on it and we also put pictures on with the text mainly when we are in class and have ICT and we can post lots and lots of comments on other peoples blog and tell them stuff by posting comments to them and help them make there blog look good like our one and we can also give them support as well. We can also show them our ICT skills to help them make it better. Don't forget to keep..... POSTING on our blog.